Local Business Case Study
Introduction to Business 2
Submitted to: Rob Grieve
2006 04 18
Submitted by: Lukas Marsalek
Executive Overview
Superior Propane needs to come up with a way to regain sales in the Bancroft area. Our group needed to find a way to help them get back the market they have lost after closing down their office in the area a few years ago. We have decided to have them open up new office space in downtown Bancroft. The office will hold one receptionist and one salesperson, as well as a few items from their product line. We also thought that the company could try and get an agreement with a contractor in the area to put Superior products in the houses and cottages that he is building.
Superior Propane used to have an office located in the Bancroft area, but closed it due to slow business. Superior has to compete with a locally owned propane business in the area called Kelly’s Propane. People in the area would rather support a local business than a national company, such as Superior. Since Bancroft is becoming even more popular for it’s Muskoka like cottage country Superior needs to get back into the market and help increase their sales in the area. In this case study we are coming up with a way to help them regain market share in the Bancroft area. If we begin to get the sales generating again we will position more help in the area. Our challenges with this case study are coming up with ideas to overcome low sales in the area as well as not spend an abundant amount of money while doing so. We also would like to come together with a contractor in the area to find out whether or not it would be possible to make an agreement that the contractor install Superior products when building. A limitation that we may run into is money. We need to be able to put out the money for an office building in Bancroft as well as pay a salary for both a receptionist and a sales representative. To get the information we needed for this case study we spoke with Steve Barber who is the Marketing Manager for the area. We met with Steve at the Belleville Superior office on many occasions to discuss the project. We also took a good look at the Superior website, www.superiorpropane.com, to gather any additional information.
To start this process we went to Superior Propane and met with Steve Barber he gave us an idea to work with. After talking with Steve we have decided to find an office/storefront in the Bancroft downtown area. We found a great location that we think would be appropriate for Superior. We then need to decide who will run the office. The less people working for us at the time being will help Superior save money, we will only have one person working in the office and we will have one sales representative. If we need to increase our employees as business picks up then we will do so as needed. Our office will include items from the Superior product line, such as Premier Gas Ranges, Direct-Vent Wall Furnaces, Gas Water Heaters, Visual Flame Vented Room Heaters, Gas Stoves and more. We believe that if the customer has easier access to our services they may be more open to using our services. The spring and summer would be a great time to open the new office because there will be lots of tourists and people who are looking to buy property in the area. If they know that Superior is accessible in that are as well as many other areas they may decide it’s best for them. We also would like to be able to set up an agreement with a contractor in the area to put in Superior products in the homes, cottages and other buildings that they are building. This would only work if the houses they are working on or are going to work on are going to run on propane. The contractor could also suggest the idea to a client to have them put superior into their plan. We talked these ideas over with the group and decided these ideas would work best. These are all important ideas we think Superior could go through with and the ideas will help boost their sales in the area.
This picture shows the building and store front that we had in mind for the Superior office in Bancroft. This building is located in the downtown area of Bancroft.
After thinking this case study over, we believe that our ideas would work best for what is needed. The ideas are simple and be followed through with in the very near future. The cost of our idea is minimal and can most likely be put into perspective by Superior. Our recommendations are that Superior think the ideas over and use them as best they can to help increase their sales in the Bancroft area.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Written Proposal
In order to reduce the amount of people using the trash bash as a free drop off site for garbage, the trash bash committee will hand out stickers to the volunteers that will be placed on the garbage bags when they are returned.
The Trash Bash is a yearly event on Earth day held by Quinte Conservation. It consists of hundreds of volunteers picking up garbage off roadsides in the Quinte Region. Our connection to the trash bash is we had to come up with an effective way to put an end to people using the garbage drop off sites as a free garbage dump. Our solution to this problem is to create stickers that have the Trash Bash logo on them. The plan of this report is to cover what Quinte Conservations purpose is, why people would want to use the Trash Bash as a free garbage site, how the stickers will work, the process we took to complete our project, the execution of our project, and some of the limitations we faced which were timing, and money.
Quinte Conservation is one of the 36 conservation authorities in Ontario. There area covers 6,200 square kilometers. Quinte Conservation is an environmental protection agency. So technically they protect and conserve our environment and economy. Not only do they run the Trash Bash they also organize tree seedlings, community wildlife monitoring program, Moira River clean up, and workshops for people to learn about the environment.
Some people will choose to use the Trash Bash as a free garbage drop off site because Belleville, Quinte West, and Prince Edward County all now operate their waste management on a user pay garbage system. A user pay garbage system means that it is mandatory to buy bag tags for garbage. Quinte West citizens are paying $2 per bag, and Belleville citizens are paying $1 per bag. Garbage is only picked up once a week in Belleville, Quinte West, and Prince Edward County, and in some families the garbage can add up quickly in a week making this an expensive hassle. Bag tags can also become an inconvenience because it is not always easy to find a business the sells them. These reasons are why people like to find places where they can dispose of their garbage free of charge, it is less hassle, and more convenient.
The stickers are a great way to solve the garbage problem because they are for inexpensive, and easy to make. Unfortunately a lot of print shops in Belleville such as “Staples” do not make stickers, so we thought mailing labels would do the trick. You can purchase 200 mailing labels at “The Office Depot” for $6.99, and make the stickers on your on computer. All you have to do is put the Trash Bash logo on Microsoft Word and print it off onto the mailing labels, anyone who is fluent with Microsoft Word would be able to do this. Every volunteer will then be given one sticker by the Trash Bash committee the morning of the Garbage clean up, and must present it on their garbage bag(s) at the end of the day in order for it to be disposed of at the garbage site.
The process we took in order to complete our project was first we had figure out what our problem was, then we had to brainstorm ideas how to solve this problem. Once we had our idea of the stickers, we had to find a way to get them made. We went to several different print shops in Belleville hoping that someone would be able to make them for us but we were out of luck. Our solution to this problem was buying the mailing labels from Office depot and making them ourselves.
The stickers will be given to the Trash Bash Committee Thursday, April 20, 2006. The Trash Bash begins at 8 o’clock in the morning on Saturday, April 22, 2006. All volunteers are going to meet with the committee at Quinte Conservations location in Trenton. The committee will then hand out 1 sticker to each volunteer. The volunteers will spend all day picking up garbage off roadsides in the Quinte Area, and then they will see us at the drop off site. We will be helping at the drop off site in Frankford. All volunteers must have and show us a sticker on their garbage bag in order for us to take it, and for them to win the Trash Bash trophy.
Timing was a big limitation during the process of our project, because of the fact that people can still volunteer for the Trash Bash. In order to solve this problem we had to estimate how many people we think were going to volunteer. We asked people from the Trash Bash Committee how many people volunteered last year, and added on 30 which gave us a rough number of 256. Also we do not know how many bags each person is going to collect, and we can not really give each person 10 stickers because that would make our solution a little expensive. In order to eliminate this problem we are just going to give each person one sticker which they will put on one of their bags when they are dropping them off. Also money plays a factor with our project, if there was more money available, we would be able to make enough stickers for every bag, or get fancy and get bag tags made for the Trash Bash. Although the bag tags would look very professional, they would take a lot more research, time, and money.
Throughout this report we have showed you that people are going to use the Trash Bash as a free drop off site because of the costs and inconvenience of bag tags. We also believe that our idea of simply placing a sticker on all Trash Bash garbage, will easily eliminate all potential dumping on the conservation site, and will make Quinte a cleaner area. We have also showed you the process of completing our project, what will happen the day of the Trash Bash, and the limitations we faced which were timing, and money. Although we will not be putting our project into execution until after this assignment is due, we feel that it will go over very well, and we are certain that all stakeholders will enjoy its success. We will call and set up a meeting with you hopefully for either Monday or Tuesday so we can discuss the aftermath of our project and show you some pictures from the Trash Bash.
In order to reduce the amount of people using the trash bash as a free drop off site for garbage, the trash bash committee will hand out stickers to the volunteers that will be placed on the garbage bags when they are returned.
The Trash Bash is a yearly event on Earth day held by Quinte Conservation. It consists of hundreds of volunteers picking up garbage off roadsides in the Quinte Region. Our connection to the trash bash is we had to come up with an effective way to put an end to people using the garbage drop off sites as a free garbage dump. Our solution to this problem is to create stickers that have the Trash Bash logo on them. The plan of this report is to cover what Quinte Conservations purpose is, why people would want to use the Trash Bash as a free garbage site, how the stickers will work, the process we took to complete our project, the execution of our project, and some of the limitations we faced which were timing, and money.
Quinte Conservation is one of the 36 conservation authorities in Ontario. There area covers 6,200 square kilometers. Quinte Conservation is an environmental protection agency. So technically they protect and conserve our environment and economy. Not only do they run the Trash Bash they also organize tree seedlings, community wildlife monitoring program, Moira River clean up, and workshops for people to learn about the environment.
Some people will choose to use the Trash Bash as a free garbage drop off site because Belleville, Quinte West, and Prince Edward County all now operate their waste management on a user pay garbage system. A user pay garbage system means that it is mandatory to buy bag tags for garbage. Quinte West citizens are paying $2 per bag, and Belleville citizens are paying $1 per bag. Garbage is only picked up once a week in Belleville, Quinte West, and Prince Edward County, and in some families the garbage can add up quickly in a week making this an expensive hassle. Bag tags can also become an inconvenience because it is not always easy to find a business the sells them. These reasons are why people like to find places where they can dispose of their garbage free of charge, it is less hassle, and more convenient.
The stickers are a great way to solve the garbage problem because they are for inexpensive, and easy to make. Unfortunately a lot of print shops in Belleville such as “Staples” do not make stickers, so we thought mailing labels would do the trick. You can purchase 200 mailing labels at “The Office Depot” for $6.99, and make the stickers on your on computer. All you have to do is put the Trash Bash logo on Microsoft Word and print it off onto the mailing labels, anyone who is fluent with Microsoft Word would be able to do this. Every volunteer will then be given one sticker by the Trash Bash committee the morning of the Garbage clean up, and must present it on their garbage bag(s) at the end of the day in order for it to be disposed of at the garbage site.
The process we took in order to complete our project was first we had figure out what our problem was, then we had to brainstorm ideas how to solve this problem. Once we had our idea of the stickers, we had to find a way to get them made. We went to several different print shops in Belleville hoping that someone would be able to make them for us but we were out of luck. Our solution to this problem was buying the mailing labels from Office depot and making them ourselves.
The stickers will be given to the Trash Bash Committee Thursday, April 20, 2006. The Trash Bash begins at 8 o’clock in the morning on Saturday, April 22, 2006. All volunteers are going to meet with the committee at Quinte Conservations location in Trenton. The committee will then hand out 1 sticker to each volunteer. The volunteers will spend all day picking up garbage off roadsides in the Quinte Area, and then they will see us at the drop off site. We will be helping at the drop off site in Frankford. All volunteers must have and show us a sticker on their garbage bag in order for us to take it, and for them to win the Trash Bash trophy.
Timing was a big limitation during the process of our project, because of the fact that people can still volunteer for the Trash Bash. In order to solve this problem we had to estimate how many people we think were going to volunteer. We asked people from the Trash Bash Committee how many people volunteered last year, and added on 30 which gave us a rough number of 256. Also we do not know how many bags each person is going to collect, and we can not really give each person 10 stickers because that would make our solution a little expensive. In order to eliminate this problem we are just going to give each person one sticker which they will put on one of their bags when they are dropping them off. Also money plays a factor with our project, if there was more money available, we would be able to make enough stickers for every bag, or get fancy and get bag tags made for the Trash Bash. Although the bag tags would look very professional, they would take a lot more research, time, and money.
Throughout this report we have showed you that people are going to use the Trash Bash as a free drop off site because of the costs and inconvenience of bag tags. We also believe that our idea of simply placing a sticker on all Trash Bash garbage, will easily eliminate all potential dumping on the conservation site, and will make Quinte a cleaner area. We have also showed you the process of completing our project, what will happen the day of the Trash Bash, and the limitations we faced which were timing, and money. Although we will not be putting our project into execution until after this assignment is due, we feel that it will go over very well, and we are certain that all stakeholders will enjoy its success. We will call and set up a meeting with you hopefully for either Monday or Tuesday so we can discuss the aftermath of our project and show you some pictures from the Trash Bash.
Proposal Letter
Bridgette Stevenson
Quinte Conservation
2061 Old highway 2
Belleville, Ontario
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Lukas Marsalek
Business Sales and Marketing Students
Wallbridge-Loyalist Road,
P.O. Box 4200
Belleville, Ontario
Dear Mrs. Stevenson:
As you know this years Trash Bash will be held on April 22, 2006. In prior years you had problems with people coming to your site and dumping extra garbage for free. That is why we believe that we have a solution that will solve your challenge with minimal cost or effort.
The focus of the Trash Bash is to clean up the geographical areas in the Quinte region, which includes Belleville, Quinte West, and Price Edward County. Unfortunately some citizens of these areas feel that this is a free way of getting rid of their garbage. This compromises your operation because your site is filling up with garbage from peoples homes rather then the garbage that is on your city streets. That is why we think you desperately need to employ our system to your organization. We suggest that you distribute stickers to all of your volunteers to stick on the bags after they are finished filling them. This system will eliminate any possible household garbage dumping on your site, and ensure you that all the bags coming into the Trash Bash this year will be legitimate trash from around your city.
We strongly believe that our solution would be the easiest transition your organization could take to stop the excess dumping on your site. If you have any questions on our ideas, or have anything else we could do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (613)969-5705.
Luke Marsalek
Quinte Conservation
2061 Old highway 2
Belleville, Ontario
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Lukas Marsalek
Business Sales and Marketing Students
Wallbridge-Loyalist Road,
P.O. Box 4200
Belleville, Ontario
Dear Mrs. Stevenson:
As you know this years Trash Bash will be held on April 22, 2006. In prior years you had problems with people coming to your site and dumping extra garbage for free. That is why we believe that we have a solution that will solve your challenge with minimal cost or effort.
The focus of the Trash Bash is to clean up the geographical areas in the Quinte region, which includes Belleville, Quinte West, and Price Edward County. Unfortunately some citizens of these areas feel that this is a free way of getting rid of their garbage. This compromises your operation because your site is filling up with garbage from peoples homes rather then the garbage that is on your city streets. That is why we think you desperately need to employ our system to your organization. We suggest that you distribute stickers to all of your volunteers to stick on the bags after they are finished filling them. This system will eliminate any possible household garbage dumping on your site, and ensure you that all the bags coming into the Trash Bash this year will be legitimate trash from around your city.
We strongly believe that our solution would be the easiest transition your organization could take to stop the excess dumping on your site. If you have any questions on our ideas, or have anything else we could do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (613)969-5705.
Luke Marsalek
Thank You Letter Sample
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Chet Baker
Training Supervisor, KLA Tencor
123 Fake St.
Belleville, Ontario
F2B 2B2
Dear Mr. Chet Baker:
Thank you for meeting with me on Monday, February 5 so we could discuss the custom negotiation training that Allesandra provides. Skills in Negotiations will help KLA be more profitable by training your employees to be more efficient and organized, while developing new skills.
Allesandra provides a unique approach to custom negotiation training which has been proven to be more effective than general training because it focuses on each individual’s specific needs. Weaknesses assessed by KLA and Allesandras will be focused on and a follow up summery will be conducted for the next year to ensure all the knowledge has been comprehended. Other companies that have participated in our training have reaped the benefits of the cash payoff. Therefore, the training has been proven to be more of an investment instead of an expense.
The Custom training that Allesandras will provide KLA will include a needs assessment, full course training, and follow up material for all participants. If you could please conatact me at (613) 555-5555 it would be my pleasure to discuss the location and number of participants.
Lukas Marsalek
Sales Representative
Chet Baker
Training Supervisor, KLA Tencor
123 Fake St.
Belleville, Ontario
F2B 2B2
Dear Mr. Chet Baker:
Thank you for meeting with me on Monday, February 5 so we could discuss the custom negotiation training that Allesandra provides. Skills in Negotiations will help KLA be more profitable by training your employees to be more efficient and organized, while developing new skills.
Allesandra provides a unique approach to custom negotiation training which has been proven to be more effective than general training because it focuses on each individual’s specific needs. Weaknesses assessed by KLA and Allesandras will be focused on and a follow up summery will be conducted for the next year to ensure all the knowledge has been comprehended. Other companies that have participated in our training have reaped the benefits of the cash payoff. Therefore, the training has been proven to be more of an investment instead of an expense.
The Custom training that Allesandras will provide KLA will include a needs assessment, full course training, and follow up material for all participants. If you could please conatact me at (613) 555-5555 it would be my pleasure to discuss the location and number of participants.
Lukas Marsalek
Sales Representative
Sales Letter Sample
September 19, 2006
Jim Diamond
Vice-President of Sales
123 Lahr Drive
Belleville, Ontario, M1B-5D3
Dear Mr. Jim Diamond:
Prestigious…Extraordinary…Practical - An efficient writing tool, that records.
Commemorative awards should always look good, work well, and be at a reasonable price. That’s why The Wilson Pen Company has designed a writing tool that exceeds expectations of a regular pen and provides a luxury that is completely out of the ordinary.
With our new sleek design the Targa pen offers exactly what is expected out of a regular pen. However at the touch of a small button, you are able to record. With our smooth non-skip ink design, and silk to touch cushion grip our pen is in a class of its own. The pen comes in a variety of colours and has different shapes and sizes to better suit the writing style of who ever is privileged enough to use it. Not only that, but we offer a small selection of personalized tins and covers that may be purchased as well.
I urge you to call me about our revolutionary product at (613) 555-5555, so we can further discuss why I think the Targa pen would offer a touch of prestige, adequate for you and your Sales Representatives.
Lukas MarsalekSales Representative, Wilson Pen Company
Jim Diamond
Vice-President of Sales
123 Lahr Drive
Belleville, Ontario, M1B-5D3
Dear Mr. Jim Diamond:
Prestigious…Extraordinary…Practical - An efficient writing tool, that records.
Commemorative awards should always look good, work well, and be at a reasonable price. That’s why The Wilson Pen Company has designed a writing tool that exceeds expectations of a regular pen and provides a luxury that is completely out of the ordinary.
With our new sleek design the Targa pen offers exactly what is expected out of a regular pen. However at the touch of a small button, you are able to record. With our smooth non-skip ink design, and silk to touch cushion grip our pen is in a class of its own. The pen comes in a variety of colours and has different shapes and sizes to better suit the writing style of who ever is privileged enough to use it. Not only that, but we offer a small selection of personalized tins and covers that may be purchased as well.
I urge you to call me about our revolutionary product at (613) 555-5555, so we can further discuss why I think the Targa pen would offer a touch of prestige, adequate for you and your Sales Representatives.
Lukas MarsalekSales Representative, Wilson Pen Company
Lukas Marsalek 256 Sunrise Crescent
Kingston, ON, K7M 8C3
Cell: 613 827 3766
Value Added:
Already with developed sales skills and competencies in solution and added value selling I am eager to adapt to your company’s sales philosophy and your way of doing business. I have an understanding of the impact of financial decisions, and will be an asset to your company.
Personal Summary:
Personable Experienced Leader
Hard Working Excels Under Pressure
Has Integrity Maintains a Relaxed Work Environment
Business Sales and Marketing, Loyalist College September 2005 - May 2007
Courses Included:
* Customer Relations Management: Taught to build and maintain quality relationships by creating a relaxed and positive climate for selling.
* Territory Management: Taught to maximize profitability by properly maintaining time spent.
* Negotiations: Taught to properly conduct a conversation while setting out goals and achieving them.
* Sales Calls: Taught to diagnose customer’s needs, with the ability to close.
* Computers: Trained in Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel. As well as Sales Logix, Fosse and Opera.
* Professional Presentations: Taught to professionally present, while maximizing audience engagement.
* Cold Calls: Trained in prospecting.
* Marketing: Taught Marketing Channels as well as Concepts. Conducted professional business plans while seeing them be followed trough on.(Companies included; Belleville Bulls, Gleaner
* Professional Document Writing: Taught to write all professional documents.
Regiopolis Notre-Dame Catholic High School September 2000 – June 2004
Work Experience
Audit Clerk/Guest Services Representative September 2006 - May 2007
Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott, Belleville
* Interacted with guests
* Developed phone skills while making room reservations and solving guest queries.
* Managed human relations while checking guests in and out, resolving customer complaints and attending to any situation to arise on hand.
Audit Clerk/Guest Services Representative March 2004 - August 2006
Room Service Porter March
Holiday Inn, Kingston
* Responsible for balancing hotel deposits
* Knowledgeable in preparing bank deposits
* Trusted to take deposits to bank
* Prepared audit report for manager
* Interacted with guests
* Developed phone skills while making room reservations and solving guest queries.
* Managed human relations while checking guests in and out,
resolving customer complaints and attending to any situation
to arise on hand.
Sanitation Worker June 2006 - August 2006
Weston’s Bakery, Kingston
* Maintained machines sanitization between uses
*Knowledgeable to prepare machines for next use
* Trusted to ensured machines cleaned and inspected thoroughly
Cashier Sept 2004 - May 2005
Quick Chek, Kingston
* Trusted to operate cash and rang in sales
* Responsible for stocking shelves and fridge
Security Guard May 2004 - Sept 2004
Alliance Security Response, Kingston
* Trusted to act as a security guard at sites, events and car dealerships
Cashier/Line Cook June 2002 - May 2004
KFC/Taco Bell, Kingston
* Trusted to ring in sales and took cash from customers
* Knowledgeable to perform duties as a line cook for both KFC and Taco Bell
Volunteer Experience
Kingsdale Chateau/ Providence Manor Retirement Home
* ran weekly bingo for residents
* made beds, distributed snacks, interacted with residents
Kingston Township Minor Hockey Association (KTMHA)
* assisted with coaching atom hockey team (10 year old)
Regiopolis Notre Dame (RND) “ACE” Program
* helped “at risk” kids with homework and after school activities.
2006 OHL All-Star Game
*Sold tickets to viewers for a half time show Mascot race
* Helped set up and tear down venue.
References Available on Request
Kingston, ON, K7M 8C3
Cell: 613 827 3766
Value Added:
Already with developed sales skills and competencies in solution and added value selling I am eager to adapt to your company’s sales philosophy and your way of doing business. I have an understanding of the impact of financial decisions, and will be an asset to your company.
Personal Summary:
Personable Experienced Leader
Hard Working Excels Under Pressure
Has Integrity Maintains a Relaxed Work Environment
Business Sales and Marketing, Loyalist College September 2005 - May 2007
Courses Included:
* Customer Relations Management: Taught to build and maintain quality relationships by creating a relaxed and positive climate for selling.
* Territory Management: Taught to maximize profitability by properly maintaining time spent.
* Negotiations: Taught to properly conduct a conversation while setting out goals and achieving them.
* Sales Calls: Taught to diagnose customer’s needs, with the ability to close.
* Computers: Trained in Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel. As well as Sales Logix, Fosse and Opera.
* Professional Presentations: Taught to professionally present, while maximizing audience engagement.
* Cold Calls: Trained in prospecting.
* Marketing: Taught Marketing Channels as well as Concepts. Conducted professional business plans while seeing them be followed trough on.(Companies included; Belleville Bulls, Gleaner
* Professional Document Writing: Taught to write all professional documents.
Regiopolis Notre-Dame Catholic High School September 2000 – June 2004
Work Experience
Audit Clerk/Guest Services Representative September 2006 - May 2007
Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott, Belleville
* Interacted with guests
* Developed phone skills while making room reservations and solving guest queries.
* Managed human relations while checking guests in and out, resolving customer complaints and attending to any situation to arise on hand.
Audit Clerk/Guest Services Representative March 2004 - August 2006
Room Service Porter March
Holiday Inn, Kingston
* Responsible for balancing hotel deposits
* Knowledgeable in preparing bank deposits
* Trusted to take deposits to bank
* Prepared audit report for manager
* Interacted with guests
* Developed phone skills while making room reservations and solving guest queries.
* Managed human relations while checking guests in and out,
resolving customer complaints and attending to any situation
to arise on hand.
Sanitation Worker June 2006 - August 2006
Weston’s Bakery, Kingston
* Maintained machines sanitization between uses
*Knowledgeable to prepare machines for next use
* Trusted to ensured machines cleaned and inspected thoroughly
Cashier Sept 2004 - May 2005
Quick Chek, Kingston
* Trusted to operate cash and rang in sales
* Responsible for stocking shelves and fridge
Security Guard May 2004 - Sept 2004
Alliance Security Response, Kingston
* Trusted to act as a security guard at sites, events and car dealerships
Cashier/Line Cook June 2002 - May 2004
KFC/Taco Bell, Kingston
* Trusted to ring in sales and took cash from customers
* Knowledgeable to perform duties as a line cook for both KFC and Taco Bell
Volunteer Experience
Kingsdale Chateau/ Providence Manor Retirement Home
* ran weekly bingo for residents
* made beds, distributed snacks, interacted with residents
Kingston Township Minor Hockey Association (KTMHA)
* assisted with coaching atom hockey team (10 year old)
Regiopolis Notre Dame (RND) “ACE” Program
* helped “at risk” kids with homework and after school activities.
2006 OHL All-Star Game
*Sold tickets to viewers for a half time show Mascot race
* Helped set up and tear down venue.
References Available on Request
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